Some of you may think that is an odd title. Good!!

Keep that frame of reference in mind.  See the picture of the Bible passage?

 Rumours of war

Well, it’s happening isn’t it? Can you deny that any of those things are not and have not been happening with increasing regularity? What do we do? When the Lord first gave this to me only an hour ago, my wife and I were listening to TruNews with Rick Wiles. You might want to consider giving that a listen on either the web or podcasts or even shortwave radio! He and his guests really tell it like it is. The end times newscast that shows the very imminent return of Jesus Christ.

 Most of us know that whether we are believers or not; we could step into eternity at any given moment. 


In a twinkling

There will be a day coming when Jesus DOES return. In the next 3 weeks until the end of 2015, many, MANY of God’s present day prophetic people are saying some great changes are going to happen. I don’t ever profess to have any gifting in that area. I do, however, believe that some of our great modern day giants of the faith will go home before any of the real horrid things begin to occur. Years ago, when Mother Teresa was alive, a young journalist followed her along on her rounds of the Calcutta slums. The gentle servant mentioned in passing that her time on earth was almost gone. The journalist, in shock, asked who would ever be able to replace her? Mother Teresa replied very matter of factly “Anyone!”

   You see, too often we get far too comfortable with others taking the lead. I personally do think Billy Graham will be called home before too long. I believe many of the pastors of the prosperity churches will be cast out very soon. I believe that ministries that have been in the shadows – faithfully and obediently preaching the Word and serving amongst the needy souls that we are, will be thrust forward into a new and changed role!

In the military, the line of succession, if you will, was not always obvious! Rank can be overlooked by merit. The ones who are called out to be leaders don’t always lead. Battle can take lives, but it also “makes” lives. So too for us as believers in these troubled times. WE are warriors. WE serve however, wherever and whenever the Lord God Almighty says! It is time to step up and be counted. WHEN the stalwarts are gathered home in the next coming while (however long that is) it is up to us – the everyday “grunts” for Jesus -to step to the line and take over His commission to live and preach the Good News!isaiah_6-8-789871.jpg

Any day now, any hour, any week or any month…we will be asked to answer the call. If you are reading this for the first time maybe and have never really done anything about your relationship with Jesus. TODAY is the greatest day to come to him; to confess your need of a Saviour, to ask for forgiveness for your sins and ask Him to become not only your Saviour but Lord of EVERY area of your life. He IS coming back. There WILL be many horrible things done by evil people before He returns. Christians WILL suffer and WILL die for their faith. ALL people will stand before God Almighty on Judgement Day. Are you ready for that? Only the love Christ showed on the cross when He died for you and your acceptance of Him into your life will make the difference. Believe in your heart.jpg

Why not today?…as for us believers? Keep on waiting for His call…wait for it…wait for it…and when He calls….shout “Here I am!” NOW. May Christ be ever in us and before us in these evil days.

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